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Hello and welcome
Hi, I am Dr. Shruti Bhattacharya (Ph.D. Immunology). I am a digital artist, dog mom, dog and mental health blogger and a very strong believer of art therapy.
I have always liked observing people. Why they behave in a certain manner in certain situations? Why they react the way they do? I always had a knack of helping others find solutions to their problems. I am also a graphologist. however I never learned how to read handwriting or signatures. It all came automatically to me. For years now, I have been helping others deal with their emotional issues and traumatic past. I am also a strict believer of art therapy.
I do not have any professional training in arts. My story starts around 2018. I was diagnosed with an idiopathic (cause not known) pain problem. I was also in a car accident. An accident, that by all logic I was not supposed to survive but I somehow did. The pain of the accident contributed to the idiopathic pain issue I was already facing. The pain was driving me out of my mind. I had a paint brush and a few poster colors lying around. They were wasting away, so I thought of trying my hand at painting. One painting later, I realized that I have a knack as well as passion for painting. I also realized that painting reduced my pain to a manageable level. Thus, began my journey and my belief in art therapy.
I started this blog as a way to bring more awareness about art therapy. However, seeing people trapped in their own minds, struggling to move on from one day to the next, and constantly stressed, forced me to diverge from art therapy and discuss other aspects of mental and emotional health as well.
I also suffer from sever PTSD and severe trauma due to my accident. When I started to digging into PTSD, I uncovered so much more. I realized I am not alone in the fight against mental trauma. Almost all of us are suffering from some form of emotional trauma. Physical traumas are easy to deal with. Emotional and mental traumas, not so much.
Thus, I started this blog to help others like me find an escape route from their trauma and real life nightmares…
Dr. Shruti
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